
Path to clearance: navigating European merger control
April 2025 | COVER STORY
Dealmakers typically view merger control as an obstacle to be overcome – an obstacle that is becoming subject to increasing challenges. However, dealmakers with a proactive approach stand to benefit in terms of the deals they can credibly consider and the strength of their hand at the negotiating table.
Held to account: CFPB targets big tech
April 2025 | FEATURE
In late 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalised a new rule – ‘Defining Larger Participants of a Market for General-Use Digital Consumer Payment Applications’ – targeting companies such as Apple, PayPal and Zelle that collectively process billions of transactions each year.
Moving the dial: financing the energy transition
April 2025 | FEATURE
It is difficult to fully quantify the financial cost of decarbonisation, particularly as many estimates involve rapid and therefore expensive emissions cuts. Similarly, many analysts tend to overestimate energy demand and underestimate the speed and breadth of technological advances and their impact on the financial aspects of the energy transition.
Ahead of the curve: reputation management in 2025
April 2025 | FEATURE
From new technologies disrupting entire industries, to shifting cultural pressures and environmental responsibilities, companies must prepare for a wider variety of reputational risks – especially as they may be compromised not just by their own actions or those of their employees, but by third parties with whom they are associated, such as suppliers.
Mergers & acquisitions
April 2025 | WORLDWATCH
Geopolitical factors, digital transformation, fluctuating interest rates and tightening regulatory frameworks are among the factors disrupting the deal landscape, leaving many transactions delayed or restructured to mitigate risks. FW moderates a discussion between Timothy Marshall at Alliance Advisors, Alfredo Craca at Fivers, Will Heath at King & Wood Mallesons, Kristina Klaaßen-Kaiser at Linklaters LLP, Michael J. Delaney at Seyfarth Shaw LLP, and Felipe Areno at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.
Q&A: Leveraging tax credit insurance to drive renewable energy investments
Transferability has allowed a much greater number of projects to be financed and move forward given that the tax equity market itself is somewhat capped. FW discusses how to leverage tax credit insurance to drive renewable energy investments with Steve Bunson, Barry Sklar, Sheldon Elefant, David Danesh and Brandon Edwards at Birch Risk Advisors.
A US manufacturing renaissance: onshoring the green energy supply chain
Building and capitalising projects in this rapidly evolving asset class requires consideration of the current subsidy regime, the sources of capital available to these projects, as well as the contracting structures and revenue sources available to be leveraged.
The continued creep of criminal law into the business sphere
April 2025 | SPOTLIGHT
While there is a role for companies doing all the things you would expect, such as having internal controls and carrying out due diligence on the companies with whom they do business, actively pushing companies to report their own staff or agents for committing crime when it can land the company in trouble, is a step too far.
Enhancing corporate transparency and combatting economic crime in the UK
A broadening of the definition of fraud will have an impact on the complexity and scope of compliance risks for organisations and could led to increased compliance costs. FW discusses corporate transparency and economic crime in the UK with Terry Seagreaves, Emma Browne, James Hensser, Alistair Grange and Michelle Davies at EY LLP.
Managing multinational tax risks: the role of tax liability insurance
Given the complexity and evolving nature of tax regulations, tax liability insurance is a powerful tool that helps businesses mitigate financial exposure and navigate tax-related uncertainties with confidence. FW discusses the role of tax liability insurance in managing multinational tax risks with Romain Tiffon at ATOZ Tax Advisers S.A.
Managing transactional risk in healthcare & life sciences M&A
The advantages of using RWI in a deal is it allows the seller to potentially receive a clean exit and all sale proceeds at closing, with the buyer having protection under an RWI policy. FW discusses managing transactional risk in healthcare & life sciences M&A with Vip Patel at Aon.
Tax optimisation in distressed situations
Restructurings will often provide significant opportunities to create a more efficient tax profile moving forward. Tax assets on the balance sheet can be crucial in that respect. FW discusses tax optimisation in distressed situations with Chris Hadfield, Elias Tzavelis and Daniel Ho at Deloitte.
Foreign business in Russia: legal insights for those staying or planning a return
We are entering a new historical era, one that is markedly different from the past five decades. The age of globalisation – both in everyday practice and in law – is giving way to fragmentation. This shift is reflected in events such as Brexit and the abolition of the ‘non-dom’ regime in the UK, the…
Prospects for asset recovery and confiscation in the EU
European asset recovery provisions are part of the common European strategy against organised crime, corruption and money laundering, falling within the international parameters of the United Nations Convention against Organised Crime, the United Nations Convention against Corruption…
Brazil’s new insurance risk ‘note’: contribution to insurance and reinsurance
February 2025 | FINANCE & INVESTMENT
Inspired by insurance-linked securities (ILS), Brazilian Law No. 14,430 of 3 August 2022 introduced the legal framework for accepting insurance, supplementary pension and health, reinsurance or retrocession risks from one or more counterparties and financing them through the issuance…
Impact of recent legislative developments on employment and human resources
February 2025 | LABOUR & EMPLOYMENT
On 8 July 2024, the ‘Law of Foundations and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentinians’ No. 27,742 was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect on 9 July 2024. Likewise, on 26 September 2024, regulatory decree No. 847/2024 on the regulation of sections 82 to 98 of Title V…