Sanctions & Financial Crime 2023 - Exceptional Experts

December 2023  |  RISK MANAGEMENT


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Financial crime impacts companies of all sizes and industries. The risks it presents are constantly evolving, with malicious actors embracing a range of tools at their disposal. These include exploiting new technologies such as cryptocurrencies, cryptoassets and artificial intelligence, to name just a few, to commit financial crime and subvert trade sanctions.

In the current economic and geopolitical climate, sanctions have become a cornerstone of policy initiatives. Companies cannot allow compliance efforts in this area to take a back seat. The reputational and financial consequences of breaching sanctions can be severe.

Companies need to prepare themselves accordingly to protect against financial crime. Improving internal controls, enhancing cyber security defences and strengthening compliance measures are key steps. Companies need to dedicate appropriate resources to these processes. Compliance professionals should be given access to high-quality data and other resources, allowing them to identify potential exposure to sanctions risk, for example.

Against this backdrop, Financier Worldwide turns to some of the leading lights in their field, who share their stories…

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