Bankruptcy & restructuring
Financier Worldwide Magazine
Q&A: COVID-19 – challenges in distressed debt and liability management
FW discusses the challenges COVID-19 poses for distressed debt and liability management with Robert Novak at BDO, Gifford S. West at The Debt Exchange, Inc., Thomas J. Salerno at Stinson LLP and Richard H. Golubow at Winthrop Golubow Hollander, LLP.
The new debtor-friendly changes to the UK’s insolvency regime and implications for financiers
Norton Rose Fulbright Under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK has swiftly implemented significant changes to its insolvency regime designed to assist distressed businesses and maximise their chances of survival. The Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 came in to force on…
Small and medium-sized enterprises and insolvency law in the UAE: the missing link
University of Arizona Many countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), have revised their insolvency laws to accommodate recent developments in jurisprudence. The UAE conducted a major overhaul of its bankruptcy law culminating in UAE Federal Law of 2016 on Bankruptcy…
Approaching financial stress: maximising value
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Portfolio company distress is a thorny subject. Leveraged acquisitions are designed carefully to maximise returns while minimising the prospect of insolvency, and usually they do. Sometimes, however, the winds of fortune blow cold. Eight US private equity-backed companies…
Lenders and creditors benefit from third-party financing of insolvency litigation claims
Manolete Partners Plc. There is a common public perception that, following an insolvency, any creditor is lucky to get even a tenth of their money back. Sadly, this perception is based firmly in truth, if not bitter experience. The impact of these losses…
The next shoe to drop: founder divorces triggered by pandemic times
L2 Counsel The turmoil brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has stretched many technology and life science startups past the limit, and founder divorces are on the rise. Breakups hurt – both financially and emotionally – in both business and in marriage. Just as sociologists…
L2 Counsel
Manolete Partners Plc.
Norton Rose Fulbright
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Stinson LLP
The Debt Exchange, Inc.
University of Arizona
Winthrop Golubow Hollander, LLP