Corporate fraud & corruption
Financier Worldwide Magazine
Q&A: Data-driven anticorruption compliance programmes
Continuous monitoring and analytics allow for the early detection of anomalies, shifting the focus from reactive to proactive mitigation. Looking ahead, we can anticipate significant innovations and advances in anti-corruption compliance, driven by technology. FW discusses data-driven anticorruption compliance programmes with Mike Walters, Irina Bautina, Bruno Gomes and Sam Haskins and at FTI Consulting LLP and Bapsy Dastur at VFS Global.
US government agencies raise the bar on national security-related corporate compliance
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates Companies are best positioned to weather the expanding scope of national security-related rules and regulations and increased enforcement if they have robust compliance programmes in place.
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP Given the lack of legal support for the SEC’s position, it is unclear whether the agency’s expansive use of the internal accounting controls provision will survive a legal challenge.
Economic uncertainty and fraud
Covington & Burling LLP The UK government has recently made tackling fraud, and particularly corporate fraud, a major priority.
The ‘je ne sais quoi’ of preventing corporate fraud
Bang & Olufsen Supporting and bringing focus on values and corporate culture is equally, if not more, important than any modern tool in reducing the risk of corporate fraud and corruption.
Corporate integrity: employee training on fraud awareness and ethical conduct
Bryn Law Group Employee training programmes play a pivotal role in fostering awareness, promoting ethical behaviour and mitigating the risks associated with fraudulent activities.
Whistleblower programmes: the why and the how
Premier Law LLC Organisations and regulators rely heavily on employees to act as whistleblowers and to report any wrongful or criminal conduct within an organisation.
Q&A: Optimising AML compliance with technology
The primary focus should be on achieving a holistic customer view and the long-term integration of all systems and data into the AML process. FW discusses the process of optimising AML compliance with technology with Stephan Lemkens, Marcus Johnen and Yalcin Bogazci at INFORM.
Bang & Olufsen
Bryn Law Group
Covington & Burling LLP
FTI Consulting LLP
Premier Law LLC
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
VFS Global