Risk is a major cause of uncertainty for any organisation. In order to manage risk, organisations need to focus on identifying sources of risk before they impact normal business operations. Risk management policies and procedures – whether financial, strategic, organisational and operational, environmental, technological, political and economic, compliance, or health and safety – are vitally important. When the basic elements of risk – and how these can affect a business – are identified and acted upon, it boosts the potential for organisations to act more confidently on future business decisions.
FORUM: Third-party corruption and fraud risk management
FW moderates a discussion on third-party corruption and fraud risk management between Hannah Musgrave at Bell Gully, Anupreet Amole at Brown Rudnick LLP, and Hannah Laming at Peters & Peters Solicitors.
ProWriters Insurance With cyber crime constantly making headlines, some business owners are gaining awareness of the risks posed by a data breach. We typically see large companies, in the wake of a breach, paying huge sums of money, issuing public apologies and promising...
Why cyber business interruption is a bigger threat than GDPR
BTVK Advisory LLP Businesses and the cyber insurance market on either side of the Atlantic have developed a sophisticated understanding of, and response mechanism to, data breaches. The same cannot be said about cyber business interruption, which poses a...
Cyber security due diligence in M&A transactions
Bristows LLP It goes without saying that every company should have a cyber security policy that addresses prevention rather than cure, but it is clear that whatever preventative measures are put in place companies could still be the victim of an attack and without...
J A Kemp Intellectual property (IP) has long been recognised as an important asset – inventors’ and authors’ rights were acknowledged as far back as the US Constitution. Fast forward a few centuries and IP is well-established as a central pillar of company assets in many...
Gun jumping is an enforcement priority for EU competition authorities
Uría Menéndez In April 2018, the European Commission (EC) imposed a record fine of €125m on telecommunications company Altice for the implementation of its acquisition of control over Portugal Telecom before having obtained the required...
Challenges and trends in reporting for asset managers
Global Risk Management Advisors Asset management firms, including wealth managers, face ever growing challenges in terms of data management and reporting related to their investment exposure, risk management and performance attribution and benchmarking. One driver is that...
Where angels fear to trade: algorithms and antitrust
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP Algorithms are at the core of many of today’s largest and fastest-growing sectors. Defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a “sequence of rules that should be performed in an exact order to carry out a certain task”...
Directors’ duties and liability under Saudi law
King & Spalding The subject of directors’ duties and liabilities under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is debated often and has recently undergone changes, as Saudi Arabia continues to work to modernise its laws and regulations. The subject has also gained significance...
How to deal with different motivations to shape an effective compliance programme
FreitasLeite Advogados Perhaps one of the most elusive challenges in the design of an effective compliance programme is determining how to properly react to different motivations. Each motivation would ideally require a different answer. However, at first glance, such an approach...
Bell Gully
Bristows LLP
Brown Rudnick LLP
BTVK Advisory LLP
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
FreitasLeite Advogados
Global Risk Management Advisors
J A Kemp
King & Spalding
Peters & Peters Solicitors
ProWriters Insurance
Uría Menéndez