Q&A: Fraud risk and enforcement in the UK
FW discusses fraud risk and enforcement in the UK with Alma Angotti at Guidehouse and John Hartley at Shoosmiths LLP.
Maintaining an effective compliance programme through COVID-19
Allen & Overy The COVID-19 pandemic continues to influence the operating landscape for organisations across the world. One result of the crisis has been the additional responsibility placed on compliance professionals to identify, mitigate and remediate newly introduced…
COVID-19, the CARES Act and the need for robust compliance
Squire Patton Boggs The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc on millions of lives and the global economy. In an effort to try to keep the US economy afloat, the US government has provided economic stimulus funds to struggling individuals and businesses…
Fraud investigations in a technologically connected but physically distant world
Ankura At the best of times, managing an investigation related to fraud and financial crime, sanctions or other regulatory issues is a complicated undertaking. Typically, such exercises are conducted under high levels of scrutiny, within short time frames, and with challenges…
How regulatory enforcement in the UK and US is shifting during the pandemic
TLT The question for regulators and prosecuting agencies at the moment is whether they can, or should, enforce regulatory requirements and legislation to the same extent as they did before the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Corporates and individuals...
How is COVID-19 affecting white-collar crime risks and enforcement?
Osborne Clarke LLP There is almost no aspect of life which has not been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and white-collar crime and its enforcement is no exception. This article will analyse the fraud risks that businesses may be likely to encounter during the pandemic…
Fines, account freezing and forfeiture orders used to disrupt money laundering in the UK
Lewis Nedas Law Why do UK investigative authorities not prosecute money laundering cases? Because they do not have to, that is why. Despite the constant slew of anti-money laundering (AML) regulations and ‘noise’ around the issue of money laundering in the national…
Prosperity at the National Crime Agency
Saunders Law Few would argue against criminals and corrupt politicians being deprived of the proceeds of their crimes. The National Crime Agency’s (NCA’s) commendable mission is to “lead the UK’s fight to cut serious and organised crime, protecting the public by disrupting…
Q&A: Fraud risk management: lessons learned in the COVID-19 era
FW discusses the fraud risk management lessons to be learned in the COVID-19 era with John Hanson at BDO and Ben Kaye-Smith at Novartis.
Allen & Overy
Lewis Nedas Law
Osborne Clarke LLP
Saunders Law
Shoosmiths LLP
Squire Patton Boggs